Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Reading Legislation

Recently, there has been a disturbing revelation: that legislators do not READ the legislation they pass. This is wrong. They have not been doing their jobs by voting on legislation they haven't read. Legislators (mostly Democrats, but some Republicans, too) have many tricks up their sleeves to get bad legislation passed into law “behind our backs. This is one of them. Another is attaching unnamed paragraphs to existing “must pass” legislation. Today, lawmakers release proposed legislation totaling thousands of pages, hours before a scheduled vote. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to read such legislation before voting on it. This must STOP. Legislators MUST be given time to READ any legislation upon which they’re required to vote and be forced to PROVE they’ve read it before they’re allowed to vote on it. This should be a CONDITION for them to be allowed to vote on ANY legislation. (Just common sense)

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