Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Health Care Stampede

This is just one of the things Obama wants to “stampede us” into passing. In fact, every time he wants to con us into agreeing to our own destruction, he tries to “stampede us” into it. Ayn Rand called it “the sanction of the victim.” There are so many holes in his plan you could drive a train through it, beginning with the CONCEPT itself. He doesn’t want us to look close enough at it to spot them. He doesn’t even want to allow CONGRESS, which is made up of people who AGREE with him, to get a close look at it before they pass it into law. So he releases the bill (if he does at all before a vote) the night before the vote is scheduled, and the bill is usually 1,000 pages or more, guaranteeing that lawmakers will not be able to read it before casting their votes. This is how things work in Washington today. (Just common sense)

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