Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obama Will Destroy the Dollar

Not only that, his policies will create “hyper-inflation.” You thought the “double-digit inflation” under Jimmy Carter was bad; think what it will be after Obama pushes most of his spending plans through and finishes printing more and more money with nothing behind it (he’ll never finish with all of them). Milton Friedman (now deceased), one of America’s top economists, predicted what’s coming soon in his landmark book, “Money Mischief.” Everything Obama, the Federal Reserve, and Congress are doing right now was predicted almost two decades ago by this extraordinary man. “Though he passed away in 2006, in his prophetic book, Friedman showed how, facing massive deficits, the U.S. government would dramatically increase the money supply [print money –RT]; why foreign countries would stop buying our debt; how the Fed would start buying our Treasury bills; and why this would all cause massive inflation. He even predicted that our officials would claim inflation was no problem at all.” Keep supporting Obama (those who are) and watch it happen. Hold onto your wallets! Obama will soon empty them. (New Max/Financial Intelligence Report)

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