Sunday, July 19, 2009

"No Laws Concerning Religion"

That’s what the Constitution bans. The “anti-religion zealots” define that as MAKING all kinds of law BANNING religion and its practice in any place (owned or used by) government. And they’ve been getting away with it for years because nobody has made a REAL effort to stop them. They also talk about the "wall between church and state," which is NOT in the Constitution (it was MENTIONED in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson) and is NO kind of law. In Pennsylvania, they’re trying to ban the very MENTION of Jesus Christ. A California town is also trying it. This IS “making a law regarding religion or its practice.” But they will neither admit this, nor allow anybody else to do so. I’m not a “religious fanatic” although they will accuse me of it, but I support people’s right to worship as they please. How they worship is nobody else’s business. This is common practice with Democrats (and even some Republicans). Misdefine the law, then proceed to violate it. Too many laws lend themselves to this, being subjective in their nature. One type of law we SHOULD ban is a SUBJECTIVE law (one that allows those enforcing it to DEFINE it). Of course, politicians would find a way to misdefine that to suit their purposes, too. (Just common sense)

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