Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Islamic Child Abuse

Children in many Islamic countries are being steadily brainwashed to hate everybody who is not THEIR KIND of Muslim, even their own parents. They’re being taught how to become suicide bombers and kill themselves “for the cause.” Is this not child abuse? Some of the best know “Anti-Semitics” in the world are Muslim terrorists. Why are they not criticized for this? Mainly because liberals are afraid of “offending” them. I’m not. Some of my most favorite moments are when I am offending Muslim extremists. Second only to that is “offending liberals.” (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

well, there is indeed one good reason why any pedophile should love islam : )

Many of them have actually converted to Islam

No paedophilia manic can actually resist the tempation from a 6yr old child bride after all. Besdies, there are 72 or more of the baby virgins waiting for them in the heaven.

wow, what a wonderful religion of peace!

Anonymous said...

There are many wrong interpretations of Islam. Islam is a beautiful religion if practiced like it should be. People speak of what they know nothing about and others listen. Take matters into your oun hands. Take the time to research and find out what things really are before we make a judgment.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I have researched it. I want no part of it. You can keep it. I notice you're afraid to give your name.