Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Obama Didn't Ask"

Sotomayor thinks just because Obama didn’t ask her for her views on abortion, she can refuse to tell the committee considering her appointment what they are, too. And she has continually refused to answer that question. The tragedy here is that this will make no difference because this “dog and pony show” is set up to make us THINK they’re seriously considering her nomination. They’re not. The “fix is in.” She WILL be confirmed. The Democrats on the panel cannot contain their glee at being able to confirm her and there aren’t enough Republicans to stop it, so they’re “going along with the act.” Unfortunately, we all KNOW her views on abortion, as well as those of Obama, who voted to force doctors to allow the result of a botched abortion to die on a table without getting in trouble with the law. (Yahoo News/AP)

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