Saturday, July 11, 2009

Subtle Conditioning

Liberals are everywhere. They’re also among the cartoonists our children read every day, and many of their comics subtly push political lies to our children so that, when they grow up, they believe the “liberal line.” A good recent example if the April 29 edition of “Sherman’s Lagoon” where a polar bear is getting some advice from Sherman the Shark about “evolution” since the “ice is melting in the Arctic (a lie).” Kids will read this and never realize it IS a lie. So when they get older, they’ll accept AlGore’s swindle as “truth.” The ice is NOT melting generally in the Arctic (only in a couple of places, and THAT’S cyclical) and polar bears do NOT need help in swimming. They can swim for HUNDREDS of miles; a fact liberals never seem to realize, OR tell their dupes. This is not the result of any “massive plot.” It’s simply the result of the “subtle conditioning” this cartoonist has been subject to since HIS childhood. (Sherman’s Lagoon)

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