Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Post-Bush Tax Increases"

Congress is already planning to raise your taxes, just as soon as they can get a Democrat president in office (shudder!). Bush lowered taxes and predictably (to those who pay attention and don't deny the evidence of their eyes) we had another long-lasting increase in the economy, the likes of which we haven't seen since Reagan did it a long time ago (in spite of the Democrats' best efforts to derail it). People wonder why there are "rumors" of a recession on the horizon, but I know the answer: It is the Democrats. They now control (just barely) the Congress and many expect a Democrat to be elected president, while they increase their control. Anybody with half a brain knows that means higher taxes. A bad economy is "manna from Heaven" for the Democrats and they're determined to create one. They're just as determined to blame it on the Republicans, and in particular on George Bush (the younger). They constantly claim they want to create a better economy, but they do everything they can to destroy it so they can make empty promises and get more votes. (Current Argus)

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