Saturday, March 22, 2008

Listen to Your Seniors!

They've been around long enough to have seen it all before and are a priceless repository of knowledge that will be gone when they are gone. So listen to them and learn all you can. Do as the Japanese do. Revere your seniors. They know things you haven't been on this Earth long enough to learn! This was brought home strongly by a recent caller to the Rush Limbaugh show. The "kernel of truth" in his call was this: "First of all, Rush, I have been around a long time, since before World War II, and I have seen these political parties deteriorate to what they are today. I have had it with both of them. Both of them are not worth the powder to blow 'em to hell. We need a third party desperately." He's absolutely right. We need a "third party that can win." I've been around since before World War II, as well. And I get just as frustrated when younger people listen to what I say and then ignore me. I'm a "cynical" man (by my definition, anyway). My definition of a cynical man is "someone who has been around long enough to have seen it before, and is thus not surprised to see it happen again." There's a good reason why so many "oldsters" have a reputation for "being crabby." That's because they tell younger people how things really are, and they have to stand by and watch as the younger people ignore them and predictably get in trouble. (Rush Limbaugh)

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