Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hillary Has a Dirty Mind

At least, her "surrogates" do. Rush Limbaugh said "she's used to being on top," and immediately they assumed that was a "sexist remark" having to do with her "sexual preference" for the top position. That response surprised the hell out of Rush, who had nothing of the kind in mind. His reference to "the top" had to do with her preference for the "top position" in politics. Nothing more. A sexual reference was only in the minds of her "followers." She puts a lot of stock in her "victory" in a state bigger than all the rest. A victory she owes to Limbaugh, whether or not she will admit it. I'd have rather see her go down to defeat here, but nobody can fathom Rush's thinking. Yes, the Democrat Party is in chaos. But I think that would have happened, anyway. At least, the Republicans agree, whether or not that will do them any good. (Sweetness and Light)

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