Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Boneheads Oppose Iraq War

I hear a lot of talk from people who think Iraq was a terrible mistake and that we ought to get out of there as soon as possible, and to hell with the Iraqis who gave Saddam the "purple finger" when they voted by the millions for his replacement government. The fable is that al Qaida is not, and has never been in Iraq. In fact, they have been there all along, just not necessarily under that name (they all use several names over there, mostly to confuse people). Actually, it doesn't matter a whit whether or not al Qaida was, or was not in Iraq. Fact is, al Qaida is but ONE Islamic terrorist organization and it IS in Iraq, as well as many other countries. It just happens to be accidentally the most successful, having planned on killing a few hundred people in four airplanes and a few more in the World Trade Center and other locations. They got very lucky in that the burning jet fuel weakened the structures and two or more of them collapsed. They SAY that was their plan all along, but in addition to their other sins, they LIE. People are worried about the treatment of terrorists at our hands. But their treatment cannot compare to THEIR treatment of any who have the misfortune to be selected for torture, rape, and beheading. If we "hurt" a few of them in an effort to learn of their nefarious plans in order to save lives, so what? They don't deserve ANY consideration as prisoners because they give our people no consideration. I can't think of a single reason not to kill these demons on sight if caught in the act, nor a reason not to do many things to them to let them know we can be as nasty to them as they are to us if we need to in order to learn what they know. Don't expect them to be harder on those they capture, in return. They can't be harder than they are now. Just send them to their "74 virgins" as soon as you find them. The "fight" is not over Iraq. The fight is to defeat Islamic terrorists everywhere. Iraq is simple the current battlefield and when that war is over there'll be another one as long as enough Islamic terrorists are alive and can drum up (by any means, including selling drugs or antiquities stolen from Iraqi museums) or steal enough money to keep going. The only way to stop them is to kill as many as we can and destroy them. (Just common sense)

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