Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cuz' they're EFFECTIVE, Thass' Why!

Liberals hate "conservative talk radio," and they're doing everything in their power to destroy it. Why? Because "conservative talk radio" is EFFECTIVE, and usually messes up liberal carefully-laid plans to gain more and more control over the rest of us. They're constantly making snarky cracks about conservative talk radio hosts, and they're trying hard to bring back that failed "equal time" requirement, where if anybody (usually conservatives) put forth an opinion, the radio station MUST allow time for a "rebuttal." They claimed a liberal opinion didn't need rebutting because it was "mainstream (har, har).It didn't work because conservative talk radio IS "equal time." Aside from the blatant "liberal talk radio" that's been tried and has failed, ALL news outlets, with few exceptions, are liberal (except for Fox, of course). I tried listening to CNN and MSNBC once, but couldn't listen for long without wanting to break the television. I've given up watching ABC, NBC and CBS entirely because of their blatant (if denied) one-sided presentation of "news." I tried National Public Radio once, but within a half-hour, I had to switch to Rush Limbaugh, whose OPINIONS I don't always agree with, but whom I have never caught in a lie, while I have caught ALL the liberal news media lying, either by omission, or COMmission. They hate conservative talk radio (and TV) because they are EFFECTIVE. The reason why highly-touted "liberal talk radio" has always flopped is because liberals fail to understand the human condition and people get tired of listening to their drivel. Conservative talk radio and television networks like Fox News, who actually tell BOTH SIDES, unlike the liberal media, infuriate liberals like Bill Clinton, and according to him, they must be "shut up." Even Republican Senator Trent Lott opined that they "must be dealt with," and that's disgusting. (Michelle Malkin)

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