Sunday, March 2, 2008

How Stupid Are They?

The "anti-gun crazies" have seen, time and again, that their "careful control of guns" laws do nothing of the kind, but they continue to pass them while those who obey them die at the hands of criminals who do not. All those laws do is provide criminals, who don't obey laws, a steady stream of unarmed victims for them to terrorize. John Stossel says, "No one intent on murder will be stopped by the prospect of committing a lesser crime like illegal possession of a firearm. The intellectuals and politicians who make pious declarations about controlling guns should explain how their gunless utopia is to be realized. While they search for -- excuse me -- their magic bullet, innocent people are dying defenseless." The FACT that guns in the hands of honest people REDUCES violent crime has been proven over and over again, but facts mean nothing to these idiots who think that the way to self-defense is to DISARM ourselves. I've asked them, time and again, "What makes you think a criminal, whose whole life is breaking the law, will OBEY a law that says he can't be armed?" So far, none of the "anti-gun crazies" has even tried to answer it. They just start pinning labels, such a "gun lover" on me without answering the question, because they can't. I defy ANYBODY to give me a LOGICAL argument in favor of "gun control." (John Stossel)

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