Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pathological Liar

How do you tell when Hillary or Bill Clinton are lying? Their mouths are moving. Both are pathological liars who will lie when the truth would serve better. The link below is to a list of Hillary's recent lies. A list of Bill's lies would fill a book. A book I haven't time to write. I know politicians lie. But to claim to be responsible for things that happened before she even got there (The "Irish peace process)? That takes the cake. It's almost as bad as AlGore claiming he invented the Internet. One of Bill's most famous lies was when he claimed he had not had "sexual relations" with that woman (Monica Lewinski), when we all know now he did. He was even disbarred for five years and forced to pay a big fine (which the Democrat Party most likely paid, with our money) for lying to Congress. Do you want another such liar as president? I have nothing against a woman president, but not this woman. I don't want to see Obama as president, either, But it has more to do with him being a socialist than with his color. We have many black politicians who hold elected office these days, but the "race whores" such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ignore that fact and claim that racism is "rampant" in the land. It's not. It does exist, but is not "rampant." The lies that abound in politics amaze me. Not that they're told, but that so many people believe them. (News Max)

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