Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It Didn't Happen

One of the biggest stories recently was this: "One of the most sensational news items over the Thanksgiving holiday came from the Associated Press, which reported on six Sunni civilians burned alive as they left Friday mosque services. The shocking dispatch received global coverage. The front cover of the Philadelphia Daily News blasted: "WORSHIPPERS BURNED ALIVE": Capping deadliest week of war, 6 Sunnis doused with kerosene, set afire as Iraqi soldiers reportedly stand idle.' The Chicago Sun-Times blared: 'Sunnis burned alive in revenge.' The Sydney Morning Herald in Australia headlined: 'Shiite militia burn Sunnis alive in revenge attacks.' The Calcutta Telegraph in India echoed: 'Shias burn Sunnis alive.' " Only problem is, it DIDN'T HAPPEN. It was an INVENTION of Capt. Jamil Hussein (Familiar name, that. I wonder if he's any relation to Saddam.), KNOWN to be an "unreliable source" who regularly sends false stories to the press to make it look like we are committing atrocities. Did you see any retractions of this story in ANY of these news sources? No. And you won't, either. To do so would reveal for all to see their complete INCOMPETENCE as news sources. Not only that, they WANT such stories to be true. (Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin, on World Net Daily)

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