Monday, January 21, 2008

What Is It With These African Politicians?

Rev. Joshua Blahyi, Formerly Gen. Butt Naked
One of them, who is known for marching into battle naked, has "confessed" to killing 20,000 people, many of them children, and even eating the hearts of children, while another is a Liberian Senator who "pals around" with other politicians (this one is known for torturing and murdering Samuel K. Doe, yet another African politician who killed willy-nilly) and neither fears being called to account for his crimes. Some homes house people who have been victim and murderer, under the same roof. Now he's a "preacher," claiming to have "found God," and goes about on the street selling tapes of his sermons. This man should be put to death in the most painful way. No one can atone for the things he has done by "claiming God." And the liberals in this country want us to allow people from other countries, and other cultures, to advise us on how we should proceed. (MSNBC, 1/21/08)

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