Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Times" Lies Again (As Usual)

I haven't commented much on the Durham, NC "preppie rape case" because I wasn't close enough to make a definitive decision about it. But the longer it went on, the more plain it became that the accuser was lying, and Nifong (the prosecutor) was helping her to do so (It was finally proven to be so, and Nifong has suffered the consequences). He used this case in a futile attempt to enhance his career. This woman changed her story more often than I change my socks. Now the New York Times is lying about it, too. As columnist Ann Coulter says, "Stuart Taylor Jr., the liberal but brilliant legal reporter for the National Journal, described the New York Times' coverage of the Duke lacrosse rape case as '(w)orse, perhaps, than the other recent Times embarrassments.' For a newspaper that carries Maureen Dowd's column, that's saying something. As the Times' most loyal reader, this came as welcome news. I had briefly suspected the Times was engaging in fair reporting of the alleged rape case at Duke University. Taylor's article documenting the Times' massive misrepresentations restored order and coherence to my world." Ann details the many ways the Times lied in this case in her article (which did not appear in the Times). (Ann Coulter, 1/17/07)

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