Saturday, January 26, 2008

They Hate Him Because He's Effective

He's probably the best president since Ronald Reagan overall. That doesn't mean he is "another Reagan. Far from it. Reagan would not have allowed the Border Patrol and the court system to send two Border Control agents to prison for ten years for doing their jobs to the best of their ability by refusing to pardon them. Reagan wouldn't have refused funding for stem-cell research that could find cures for things we had almost given up on, on the spurious claim of "sanctity of human life" while allowing people to murder their unborn children (which are much higher on the cycle) for their own convenience, rather than use condoms. But he did lower the tax rate and create the best economy this country has seen since Reagan did the same thing. His policies are responsible for the almost ZERO unemployment rate. He's the only politician to actually SEE the danger presented by the Islamic terrorists, much as Churchill first saw a similar danger in Adolph Hitler and Nazism and he's not afraid to do something about it. Every liberal politician now claiming to be "against the war in Iraq" were FOR it during the 14 months we waited for Saddam to do something, ANYTHING to make us believe it wasn't necessary, while Saddam ignored UN resolution after resolution. They also agreed with him that Saddam had WMDs, and he did. They were discovered long after Saddam's death, but the liberal press will not report it. He's no Ronald Reagan, but unfortunately, he's the next best thing we have right now. I hear people knocking him every day, and saying things that could not possibly be true about him, mostly from the ignorance of the uninformed who are "parroting" what they've heard their liberal friends say. I get tired of it. I don't know of another Republican now running that could replace him, and CERTAINLY not any of the Democrats. He has prevented another terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11, even while other countries have suffered them. He has restored respect (among the intelligent) to the White House from the "trash" atmosphere that it had during the Clinton administration. I fear we're in for a rough time of it for a while and I hope I live long enough for the pendulum to swing back away from the socialism that's coming if a Democrat gets elected president, or if a Republican who is a "closet" socialist or a wuss does. (Just common sense)

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