Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Five-Year-Old Sex Harassment

In Hagerstown, Maryland, the school charged a five-year-old with "sexual harassment" because he pinched the rear end of a female schoolmate. My question is this: "How can a five-year-old commit sexual harassment when he knows nothing about sex?" I remember when I was that age, an older female cousin of mine showed me her vagina. I looked, because it was "forbidden" and I was a kid. At no time did I think of sex, because I did not know about sex yet. If she had tried to initiate sex, I'd have probably "run for the hills." When I was 12, a girl did try to initiate sex with me and I did "run for the hills." Typical liberals will ruin a child's life for an "offense" he could not possibly have committed because he's too young to even know about sex.. Now he will forever be known as "that kid who sexually harassed a classmate," never mind he was unaware of it. This is what liberals do to advance their agenda. Never mind how many people's lives they ruin in the process. (The Herald-Mail, 12/20/06)

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