Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm Running for President!

Monkey Me
It had to happen. I've always thought someone who doesn't want the job, or who doesn't care if he gets it or not would make the best candidate. Unfortunately, that describes me completely. Do I think I could ever be elected? No. Do I want the job? No. Would I refuse to take the job if elected? No, because it would be my best chance to "make things right." But it is not of sufficient importance to me to worry about it, or to go out and make speeches and shake thousands of hands to make it happen. I've always thought the problem with politics is that you might be an honest man when you start, but in most cases, you have to become a crook to get the office. The one glaring exception I've seen to that rule is Ronald Reagan. I fervently wish he were still alive and in full command of his faculties. (Ray Thomas 101)

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