Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Creeping Control" Over YOU

Federal and state governments are engaged in "creeping control" over YOU. Today it's incandescent bulbs. Next it's government control over your thermostat; then government control over your television set. No? Don't say it's not possible. How long ago would you not have believed the feds could tell you that you could not use incandescent bulbs? In California, they want an "energy czar" to be able to set YOUR THERMOSTAT according to HIS opinion that there is an "energy emergency." "In other words, the thermostat must be configured in a way that doesn’t allow the customer to override the czar’s decision. Some people might agree with this level of government control over their lives, but if these amendments become law, you can safely bet there are other intrusive energy-saving proposals waiting in the wings. For now California’s energy Nazis are simply testing how much intrusiveness Californians will peaceably accept. I can easily imagine California’s Energy Commission requiring remotely controlled main circuit breaker boxes that control all of the electricity coming into your house. That would enable the energy czar to better manage your electricity use." This is "creeping control" over your life. They do it "little-by-little," never so much as to cause you to object. They take away your rights one by one, and wait to see if you'll rebel. If you do, they backtrack. If you don't, they introduce their next small scam. You'd BETTER wake up and object every time they promote one of their unconstitutional laws or "regulations." (Professor Walter E. Williams, 1/10/08)

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