Sunday, January 27, 2008

George Soros: "Capitalism Coming to an End

Another "filthy rich" billionaire claiming what made him rich is "going away." He finances literally every socialist (liberal) outfit going, and meanwhile he's making money from capitalism, but he says "the era of capitalism is coming to an end." Maybe he'd like that, now that he "has his." "George Soros, the Davos partygoer who finances near every left-wing political-action group on both sides of the Atlantic pond, recently wrote in the Financial Times that the era of capitalism is coming to an end. Soros, of course, has been predicting this for at least 20 years -- through the greatest world boom in history. And how was it that Soros made his money? Trading currencies in the technologically advanced world financial markets, the very same markets that were spawned by 20th century free-market capitalism." The bad thing is that some people actually LISTEN to people like this, and it affects what they do, creating more opportunities for people like Soros to loot them, then promote socialism. (Lawrence Kudlow/Human Events)

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