Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Kill One and You're a Murderer

Man Holds Dead Baby from Saddam's Mass Grave
Kill 300,000 and you're a monster (Statistics just cannot reflect the reality of finding thousands of murdered people). Saddam gives new meaning to the phrase, "I regret that I only have one life to give for my country." It's too bad we can't kill Saddam 300,000 times to "get even" for those he murdered during his time in power. And that's just one group. How many more he has murdered, we'll never know because they're all buried somewhere in a mass grave we probably haven't found yet. And some people (who were not subject to his murderous actions) say we shouldn't execute this monster. How wrong can you be? What idiots! Click the link below to see the remains of some of his victims and learn more about his genocide. And killing people is not all he has done. I don't think he was the first dictator to have "rape rooms" where the wives and daughters of his enemies were raped by his soldiers, but he is the most recent we know about. Killing Saddam was good for the world. (Saddam's mass graves,)

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