Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just Waiting to Be Offended

It's a trend. People out there being "offended" by the slightest real or imagined slight. The worst offenders are Islamists. Only they would be moved to MURDER by the appearance in a Dutch newspaper of several badly done cartoons that just DEPICTED their "prophet," not even in a bad way. They SAY they're "non-violent," but they commit violence at the first opportunity and blame it on some tiny slight an "Infidel" gave them. They're just hunting for a reason to kill somebody. In this litigious society, you can be sued for almost ANYTHING. Yes, maybe you'd win, but it would cost you a LOT, maybe EVERYTHING, just because you "offended" somebody. An example is the recent flap in Seattle where the Airport (Sea-Tac) took down every Christmas tree they had up on just the THREAT of a suit. Sheesh! (Just common sense)

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