Wednesday, January 30, 2008

U. N. "Sanctions" Iran

Big effing deal! How many U. N. "sanctions" did it take before we lost our patience with Saddam's "flipping them off" and took action in Iraq? Iran has already "flipped them off," and shows all signs of continuing to do so. Do we need any further evidence that the United Nations is nothing but a "billion dollar debating society" that accomplished nothing but the illegal enrichment of U. N. "top guns?" So what happens now that Iran has told them to "stick it?" They'll go back to the debating society and come up with another "sanction," which Iran will reject, and they'll come up with another one, and another one, and another one, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, until we lose patience again and topple the Iran government, as should have been done a long time ago. Notice how the logo above shows the U. N. icon laid over that of the United States. How better to show their intent? (Fox News, 12/23/06)

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