Thursday, December 20, 2007

Typical Political Meddling

The new energy bill just passed by the Senate bans incandescent light bulbs in favor of those silly-looking compact fluorescent bulbs that cost more but are supposed to last longer, thus saving you money in the long run. Are they afraid to let "the market" rule? If they truly are a lot cheaper in the long run, their supposed value to the environment won't matter. People will buy them and the old-style incandescent bulb will disappear. If not, it is they that will disappear -- unless the government meddles in "the market" again, forcing people to buy them whether they want to do so or not. Where in the Constitution does it say the government can force us to buy a specific kind of bulb? I can't believe Bush has said he will sign this one. Are they forgetting that if you break one, you have a "disaster cleanup" situation costing $3,000 or more (if you're stupid enough to ask a bureaucrat what to do) because of the poisonous mercury powder inside? When are they going to stop "forcing the issue" while refusing to consider the unforeseen consequences of their actions? (USA Today, 12/16/07)

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