Global warming is a "religion." Nobody could have done more to show that than the moderator of the last Republican debate before the Des Moines vote, Des Moines Register's Editor and moderator Carolyn Washburn did when she demanded a "show of hands" if you believe in global warming" from presidential candidates. Aside from insulting them by treating them like third-graders, she compounded the error by refusing to give candidate Fred Thompson one minute to give her a real answer. This is not the way you run such a debate. In real life, you give the candidates meaningful questions, and the time to answer them properly while monitoring their answers to make sure they actually address the questions asked. You do not demand the answer you want of all of them. Fred Thompson, alone among them, stood up and refused to "raise his hand" and asked for time to give a proper answer, which she refused to give him. Why these candidates fall for the liberal trick of having them attend a "debate" that is stacked against them by liberal-leaning groups such as the Des MoinesRregister, I don't know. But they do, and subsequently give the liberals "talking points" to use against them. Yes, global warming is real. But it is cyclical and has been going on as long as this world has been in existence. It is not "caused" by man and could not be caused by man. Nor can it be reversed by man, as Global Warming Pope AlGore and his acolytes say, while collecting millions of dollars from "carbon offsets" and other scams promoted by the global warming swindle. AlGore would call me a "global warming denier," as if there were something wrong with that. People who insisted the world was round and circled the sun were similarly ridiculed until "wiser heads" took over. Frankly, I get tired of hearing the "sky is falling" pronouncements by Gore and his henchmen and his feeble attempts to debunk everybody who disagrees with him without having to debate it on the issues. (Town Hall, 12/13/07)
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