Thursday, December 6, 2007

Good for Democrats, Bad for Us

Anything that's good for the country is bad for the Democrats. Did you hear the same excitement in their voices as the stock market moved to new record highs, time after time -- if they reported it at all? The stock market every once in a while has a "pause" and that's healthy. But if you go back and look at what it has done over time, it's ALWAYS generally in an UPWARD movement. When it goes down, it's time to BUY! But not according to the liberal media. Any downward movement, no matter how sort of duration is "panic time." Rush Limbaugh said, "Was the Drive By Media this excited when the stock market was torching along through the 14,000 mark? They're stoking the flames of economic misery. It's irresponsible, but we're used to that. They ignored the market on the way up and they're doing all they can to drive it down. Remember Dick Gephardt salivating a few years ago that every 100-point drop in the market translated to another Democrat seat in Congress? The state of the economy, the housing slump, and the Democrat desire to exploit them, became a show-long discussion (on a Friday Rush show). From what I've been hearing, I've been through several stock market 'crashes,' but I never noticed because it didn't affect me. Look back to the first of the year. If the market goes back there, we'll STILL finish the year at record highs." (Rush Limbaugh, 8/17/07)

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