Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, 2007 is over and we have all survived into a new year while not being able to make the liberals any smarter. They still think money in the hands of the people who earned it is bad, and if the government doesn't own it, it's bad. They think reducing tax rates will not increase the "tax take," even though it has worked every time it has been tried, even by one of their own, John Kennedy. They think the way for us to defend ourselves is to disarm ourselves while criminals have no problem getting guns any time they want. They whine about a "bad economy" (which doesn't exist outside of their imaginations) while doing everything they can to destroy it by trying to kill Wal-Mart, Target, Microsoft, and other examples of "big business." Who do they think is propping up this good economy (which they're too stupid to recognize)? Without "big business," there would be no jobs and no new projects to make the economy better. They believe anything the "child protectors" tell them while they ignore, on principle, anything told them by parents. They can't argue on the facts, so they immediately (within about 30 seconds, according to Rush Limbaugh) start calling us names (labels). But don't fret. As soon as they start name-calling, you've won. They can't debate on facts because anything they'd come up with, fact-wise, will destroy any argument they're offering. (Just common sense)

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