That's what I thought would happen before Rep. John Murtha admitted we were "making military progress in Iraq. But it happened, and it got him in trouble. Now he's "clarifying" his earlier statement after a "trip to the woodshed" last week. There'll be no apology from him for making all those nasty remarks about American soldiers in Iraq. At least, I'm pretty sure, going by the actions of the many other Democrats who have been proven wrong. They don't apologize. They just "move on (that's where the name "moveon.org" came from -- their tendency to just "move on" without apologizing.)" and hope you'll forget they ever said it. "How much coverage has his turnaround received? Zero. Nada. Zipadeedooda. Iraq has fallen of the radar of the media's attention. It was barely mentioned in the Republican debate the other night and Democrats have suddenly lost their voice when it comes to talking about the war. What will historians say about this remarkable, agonizing, maddening situation? The towering unfairness of it all will have to be corrected by those who study this period in American history and, when looking back over a hundred years time, marvel at the stupidity and deviousness of those who would rather lose a war and win an election than support the United States in its hour of need." (American Thinker, 11/30/07)
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