Sunday, December 30, 2007

"Religious Left" Apologist for Islam

The left (liberals, collectivists) is constantly criticizing the "religious right." Nothing they do is any good. But the "religious LEFT" is "okay, and can do no wrong. Now they're "apologizing" for the Islamic terrorists: "Like most of the religious Left, the National Council of Churches (NCC) never has much to say about religious freedom issues affecting Christians. But any implied criticism of Islam sends the NCC ladder team flying out the door in a frenzy!" They never talk about the atrocities committed by the Islamics, only those (real or imagined) by us. Nary a word about the murders, bombings, beheadings, etc. committed by the Islamics. Only an attempt to "apologize" for them on the phony basis that we have "sinned against them." They ignore the fact that the war against "Infidels" by Islamic extremists has been going on for thousands of years and we are just the most recent major target (An "Infidel" is ANYONE who does not believe the same way they do, even other Muslims). As with most liberals, they blame us for the problem, ignoring facts, if they can, in any way, embarrass George Bush. (Front Page Magazine, 2/2/07)

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