I can't begin to list all the press obsessions, Even just recently. But it has become absolutely ridiculous. In the last two weeks (when this was written), it has been Anna Nichole Smith, who tried to become a billionaire on the death of her "filthy rich," elderly husband, but ended up dead amidst the claims of what seems like hundreds of men who claim to be the father of her latest baby. (I could file a claim and have about as much chance as most of them) Then Britney Spears, who must be jealous of all the press attention that wasn't going to her, shaved her head. Flashing her unshaved vagina for photographers didn't work. Now she's got a share of the publicity, and one hopes her hair will grow out eventually and she won't lose custody of her children (she did) because of stupid behavior. But she'd have to kill herself for it to last. Last week, not many people were killed by terrorists' secreted bombs, so the news media must be desperate for some kind of "news" to "report." So now they're "stalking" Jennifer Mee. Her "claim to fame?" She was hiccupping for about a month. NBC flew her to New York, and the entire press corps there literally put her under siege to get her story. You'd think they could report some of the good things happening in Iraq, but they won't. That would not advance their "theory" and would be "good press work." (St. Petersburg Times, 2/20/07)
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