Rush Limbaugh loves to be able to say, "I told you so!" So do I, especially when it saves even one life. Jeanne Assam proved me right again when she shot and killed an assailant at a Colorado Springs church when he was busily killing as many people at that church as he could. He did manage to kill two, and had 1,000 rounds in his backpack, many of which I'm sure he planned to use on these parishioners. But his plan, and his life, ended when he met Jeanne. At Columbine, even while the shooters were killing people, the principal told of peeking around a corner and watching while one of the shooters fired into a room. I thought about what could have happened if this principal (presumably a responsible person) had a "carry permit" and had a gun he could use to put a couple in the heads of the killers before they could kill more people. But no. All schools are "no-gun-zones," by law. The only person allowed to carry a gun there is a uniformed policeman who could be "taken out" early because he was easily identifiable (they tried). But if even one (responsible) person had a concealed weapon the shooter(s) didn't know about, the shooter(s) could be "taken out" early, thus saving many lives. But you can count on those asinine "anti-gun freaks" to miss this point entirely and move for many more anti-gun laws that such killers will ignore, as do other criminals (who don't obey laws). It's a shame we must have "armed security" in a church, even if that "security" is nothing more than an armed parishioner. But in today's world, you're not safe anywhere. And if someone points a gun at me and shoots, I want it to be the last thing he does in his life. (7 News Colorado, 12/10/07)
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