Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
National ID?
"Religious Left" Apologist for Islam
The French Appear to Be Smarter than We Are
Friday, December 28, 2007
Politicians Hate It; The People Love It
The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 Of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India, Africa and Korea. Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio Program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired." This was sent to me by e-mail. I have seen it many times before, and it contains a request to send it to everybody in my contact list so it will "go around the world" again. This is my way of doing that. Thanks to my sister for sending it. Does the fact that the politicians who heard it walked out while thousands of "average people" loved it mean anything to you?
The New OBL Statement
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Kennedys Love Dictators
Typical Liberal Stupidity
Ya Think?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Egregious Media Lies
Entrenched Liberals
AlGore's Swindle
"It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. Page six of The New York Times was headlined with the serious concerns of “geologists.” Only the president at the time wasn’t Bill Clinton; it was Grover Cleveland. And the Times wasn’t warning about global warming -- it was telling readers the looming dangers of a new ice age. The year was 1895, and it was just one of four different time periods in the last 100 years when major print media predicted an impending climate crisis. Each prediction carried its own elements of doom, saying Canada could be “wiped out” or lower crop yields would mean “billions will die.” [Emphasis mine. -RT] I love liberals! Because their tired, old "theories" are so easy to disprove. Such as the one where they insist that "there are no absolutes" by making an absolute statement. Global warming is the same. All you have to do is look at history to see how stupid are their "theories." Climate change is a "natural phenomena" and is "cyclical." It has been since the world began, without destroying, or even hurting the world in general. AlGore won't even debate global warming on its merits any more. If an eminent weather scientist disagrees with his ignorant claims, he simply says that scientist "is no longer in the 'mainstream' of science" and refuses to debate it other than that. He is now claiming that all those who disagree with him are simply "global warming deniers," as if that discredited them. He says global warming is "settled science," and bases that on what he calls a "scientific consensus." I've got news for you, Al. "Consensus" is not science. Science is or is not. No amount of "voting" by one scientist against another is going to change science. He calls such people "flat-earthers." But that's what I call the "snake-oil salesman" who are pushing Al's con and making millions on it by planting trees on your money. (BMI)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
What A Difference A few Months Make!
That's how long it finally took Harry (Sleaze) Reid to figure out that "The Surge" has made a difference in the Iraq pacification effort (Not war -- the war part was over in a week). On April 19, he was still insisting the Surge didn't work. But on December 21, he admitted, "well, I might have been wrong" (not a quote, but might have been) and "The Surge" is working after all. And he was SO sure! Is there anything else he has been insisting on that's wrong?
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Typical Political Meddling
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Surprise, Surprise!
Is "Time Magazine" Communist?
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Muslim Man Kills Daughter
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Global Hot Air
Friday, December 14, 2007
Press Obsessions
I can't begin to list all the press obsessions, Even just recently. But it has become absolutely ridiculous. In the last two weeks (when this was written), it has been Anna Nichole Smith, who tried to become a billionaire on the death of her "filthy rich," elderly husband, but ended up dead amidst the claims of what seems like hundreds of men who claim to be the father of her latest baby. (I could file a claim and have about as much chance as most of them) Then Britney Spears, who must be jealous of all the press attention that wasn't going to her, shaved her head. Flashing her unshaved vagina for photographers didn't work. Now she's got a share of the publicity, and one hopes her hair will grow out eventually and she won't lose custody of her children (she did) because of stupid behavior. But she'd have to kill herself for it to last. Last week, not many people were killed by terrorists' secreted bombs, so the news media must be desperate for some kind of "news" to "report." So now they're "stalking" Jennifer Mee. Her "claim to fame?" She was hiccupping for about a month. NBC flew her to New York, and the entire press corps there literally put her under siege to get her story. You'd think they could report some of the good things happening in Iraq, but they won't. That would not advance their "theory" and would be "good press work." (St. Petersburg Times, 2/20/07)
Court Blocks Liberal Insanity
Hillary's "Soft Side?"
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Colorado Alpine Rescue Team
The "Global Warming Religion"
Global warming is a "religion." Nobody could have done more to show that than the moderator of the last Republican debate before the Des Moines vote, Des Moines Register's Editor and moderator Carolyn Washburn did when she demanded a "show of hands" if you believe in global warming" from presidential candidates. Aside from insulting them by treating them like third-graders, she compounded the error by refusing to give candidate Fred Thompson one minute to give her a real answer. This is not the way you run such a debate. In real life, you give the candidates meaningful questions, and the time to answer them properly while monitoring their answers to make sure they actually address the questions asked. You do not demand the answer you want of all of them. Fred Thompson, alone among them, stood up and refused to "raise his hand" and asked for time to give a proper answer, which she refused to give him. Why these candidates fall for the liberal trick of having them attend a "debate" that is stacked against them by liberal-leaning groups such as the Des MoinesRregister, I don't know. But they do, and subsequently give the liberals "talking points" to use against them. Yes, global warming is real. But it is cyclical and has been going on as long as this world has been in existence. It is not "caused" by man and could not be caused by man. Nor can it be reversed by man, as Global Warming Pope AlGore and his acolytes say, while collecting millions of dollars from "carbon offsets" and other scams promoted by the global warming swindle. AlGore would call me a "global warming denier," as if there were something wrong with that. People who insisted the world was round and circled the sun were similarly ridiculed until "wiser heads" took over. Frankly, I get tired of hearing the "sky is falling" pronouncements by Gore and his henchmen and his feeble attempts to debunk everybody who disagrees with him without having to debate it on the issues. (Town Hall, 12/13/07)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hillary Wants to "Take" Oil Profits
In a recent speech before other Democrats, Hillary Clinton said she wants to TAKE oil company profits and put the money into a "strategic energy fund. "What she really wants, is just to TAKE the money and use it to make her position more concrete by giving it away to people who didn't EARN it. Yes, the oil companies are making "record profits." But the "why" is important. The money they would normally be spending to hunt for more oil is now "profit," while the "greenies" keep them from hunting for oil anywhere withing sight of the United States while we start to run out of oil in this country and are forced to more and more rely on our enemies for or oil. (Breitbart, 2/1/07)
Methinks He Doth Protest Too Much
"Cuban leader Fidel Castro's recovery from intestinal surgery is satisfactory, his eldest son has said. The son, also named Fidel, said his father could eventually make a complete recovery from his illness. The 80-year-old leader was taken ill last July and is believed to be suffering from diverticulitis, a weakening of the walls of the colon." Do you believe that? I believe it about as much as I believe Osama bin Laden is still alive, the harder they try and convince us he is. I think bin Laden was made into a "crispy critter" years ago when we bombed one of his caves with him in it. They've been trying to convince us he's still alive ever since. I think they're trying to convince us Castro is not dying. And when he does, it'll take the world a long time (as is usual in communist countries) to find out. (BBC News, 2/16/07)
Global Warming Scam Based on False Data
Typical Politics
Wait until somebody dies, then "fix the problem" and take credit for it, ignoring all those who have, in the past, pleaded with you to fix it. Then get rid of them so they can't tell that they tried. Ed Stein, elite liberal cartoonist with the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colorado, doesn't often get it right, but once in a while he "hits it right on the head." He does so in this case, using the collapse of the bridge in Minneapolis as a good example of how fast Congress (or any legislature) can act when they want to. I was personally involved in a good example years ago in Florida when I was a paramedic. Where we worked, they used a "zone system" where patients must be picked up by an ambulance from the zone they were in. We happened upon an emergency on the way back from a hospital that was a block outside our zone and offered to transport the patient, who was under cardiac arrest treatment. Remember, we were ONE BLOCK AWAY from the hospital. But NO! We were in somebody else's zone! So the cops waited around for another fifteen minutes while the zone ambulance, which was at the other end of their zone, got there. The patient died, and I went ballistic. I made such a fuss that the man in charge of emergency medical services in the county lost his job and best of all, a new rule was instituted that allowed the ranking EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) on the scene to order the transport in a "life and death" situation. A good move. But unfortunately too late for the patient whose death caused it all. However, that change may have saved many other lives and I'm proud of my part in it. (Rocky Mountain News, 8/15/07)
What About "The Religious Left?"
Aussie PM Does About-Face on KYOTO
He gave the U. S. a hard time about "carrying your weight" on global warming and made a lot of noise about "joining KYOTO" when he knew nothing about what that would entail even though people who pay attention know global warming is the biggest swindle in history. But I'll give him credit for doing what is necessary when he found out what it would cost his country. Most politicians (mostly liberal politicians) wouldn't do that. They'd just "tough it out" and hope you'll forget. Hey, Kevin: maybe you ought to look at the figures. Just because America won't sign KYOTO doesn't mean we aren't better than most countries (many of whom are excluded from compliance) at cleaning up our own messes. (Herald-Sun, 12/7/07)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Typical Liberal Smear Destroyed
They tried to say Ann Coulter voted in the wrong district and by so doing, "criminalize" her. But it didn't work. The election commission said it didn't happen the way it was described and she did nothing illegal. So do you think the liberals will stop saying it? No. Finding out the truth has never stopped the liberals from pursuing their nefarious claims before, so why should it now? The interesting thing is, if that's all they have against her, what does that tell us? (News Max, 12/10/07)
Pelosi Approves of "Waterboarding"
"Four top members of Congress, including now House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, got a close look at CIA overseas detention sites and interrogation techniques in September 2002 and offered no challenge to their legitimacy, according to a news article out Sunday, in the Washington Post. On the contrary, at least two lawmakers involved in the briefing that day questioned whether the CIA was pushing hard enough, even after hearing the details of the now widely criticized technique known as waterboarding, two US officials told The Washington Post. that The briefer was specifically asked if the methods were tough enough, one official is quoted saying. ... Waterboarding has since become the pariah of interrogation techniques. Porter Goss, a former CIA director and congressman who chaired the House intelligence panel at the time of the briefings, told The Post, 'Among those being briefed, there was a pretty full understanding of what the CIA was doing, and the reaction in the room was not just approval, but encouragement.' " Yet today, all of them are complaining about it being "too much. "Even Pelosi, who succumbed to the Islamic demand that she "cover her head" when she was in an Islamic land. [Emphasis mine. -RT] (Rush Limbaugh, 12/10/07)
I Toldya So!
Rush Limbaugh loves to be able to say, "I told you so!" So do I, especially when it saves even one life. Jeanne Assam proved me right again when she shot and killed an assailant at a Colorado Springs church when he was busily killing as many people at that church as he could. He did manage to kill two, and had 1,000 rounds in his backpack, many of which I'm sure he planned to use on these parishioners. But his plan, and his life, ended when he met Jeanne. At Columbine, even while the shooters were killing people, the principal told of peeking around a corner and watching while one of the shooters fired into a room. I thought about what could have happened if this principal (presumably a responsible person) had a "carry permit" and had a gun he could use to put a couple in the heads of the killers before they could kill more people. But no. All schools are "no-gun-zones," by law. The only person allowed to carry a gun there is a uniformed policeman who could be "taken out" early because he was easily identifiable (they tried). But if even one (responsible) person had a concealed weapon the shooter(s) didn't know about, the shooter(s) could be "taken out" early, thus saving many lives. But you can count on those asinine "anti-gun freaks" to miss this point entirely and move for many more anti-gun laws that such killers will ignore, as do other criminals (who don't obey laws). It's a shame we must have "armed security" in a church, even if that "security" is nothing more than an armed parishioner. But in today's world, you're not safe anywhere. And if someone points a gun at me and shoots, I want it to be the last thing he does in his life. (7 News Colorado, 12/10/07)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
America Doesn't Offend Americans
In Broken Arrow, OK, school "authorities" remove "God Bless America" signs from the schools because they fear than might "offend" someone. So what? That offends ME. In Long Island, NY, Channel 12 News orders flags removed from the lapels of reporters and red, white, and blue ribbons from the newsroom. Why? Management didn't want to appear "biased" and felt that our nation's flag might give the appearance that "they leaned one way or the other." Seems to me they ought to "lean one way or the other" when it comes to respecting the symbols of our country. If they don't, some day, the Islamic terrorists will kill them. In Berkeley, CA, they banned the displaying of U. S. flags because they didn't want to "offend anybody." I am "offended" by such actions, so what are they going to do about that? Or do they care about what offends me? Do they only care about what offends people who have come here to live, but want to bring their own culture along with them? If I were to move to, say, France, to live, I'm going to learn the French language and I am not going to demand that the French cater to my needs and learn my language in order to deal with me. I am going to become as "French" as possible so as to not inhibit my own life in France. I personally don't care what "offends" immigrants who come here to live. This is America, and if they come here to live, they'd better learn how to be Americans and not demand we cater to them, because most of us won't. Those who do are ignorant. Every word out of my mouth offends someone and every word that goes on one of my blogs offends someone. That's the plan, because my blogs support truth, and some people hate the truth. It "offends" them. I couldn't care less. (Daily Mail)
Mass Killings
Nobody seems to know what's behind the recent spate of mass killings, mainly in schools, some in other venues, such as a mall in Omaha. Some blame the easy availability of guns. That's silly. If guns were not available, they'd use swords; or knives; or baseball bats; or anything else that would kill. The availability of the means to kill has nothing to do with the motivation to kill. What's behind these mass killings is the "shielding" of our children from failure, which does not allow them to learn how to deal with failure and they blame others for it. The urge to kill those they blame is not far away. (Ray Thomas 101)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Are The Poor Getting Poorer?
Who The Hell Does Kennedy Think He Is?
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Good for Democrats, Bad for Us
Press Twists Figures, As Usual
The New York Times did a story recently in which it blatantly twisted figures to make you think the economy is going downward. They did it in the simplest manner, emphasizing two years (at the end of Clinton's "reign" and during which the economy was reeling after 9/11) and completely ignoring three later years (under the Bush tax cuts) in which the economy continued the rise that began under Reagan by 4.1%. The Boston Globe did a similar story, using the same scam. And you think the press doesn't lie to you? (Thanks to "News Busters") (News Busters, 8/21/07)
Zippy's So Right! (This Time)
I don't much like the "Zippy the Pinhead" comic strip because it usually makes no sense at all. But this particular strip (at least in the last panel) made so much sense I thought I'd bring it to your attention. His point is that the only reason Democrats are able to raise so much money and get elected time after time is because of the "short attention span" of so many voters. Add to that the fact that most voters "pay no attention to politics" until a few months or weeks before an election that there's no way they can get the right information with which to vote intelligently. This accounts for the relative success of the DNC, except for short periods of sanity in which Republicans get elected. (Zippy, 8/7/07)
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The War's A Failure Because...
If you're wrong, change the subject. That's the system the Democrats (liberals) use. First they told us we couldn't win in Iraq and if we did, there'd be attacks in America and Israel and Turkey would invade. Also that Saddam would use WMDs on our troops. "We took Baghdad in about 17 days flat with amazingly few casualties. There were no al-Qaida attacks in America, no attacks on Israel, no invasion by Turkey, no attacks on our troops with chemical weapons, no ayatollahs running Iraq. We didn't turn our back on the Kurds. There were certainly not 100,000 dead American troops. But liberals soon began raising yet more pointless quibbles. For most of 2003, they said the war was a failure because we hadn't captured Saddam Hussein. Then we captured Saddam, and Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean complained that 'the capture of Saddam has not made America safer.' [Yeah, but we won the war! -RT] (On the other hand, Howard Dean's failure to be elected president definitely made America safer.) Next, liberals said the war was a failure because we hadn't captured Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Then we killed al-Zarqawi and a half-dozen of his aides in an air raid. Then they said the war was a failure because ... you get the picture." It doesn't matter what we accomplish, it's not good enough for the liberal Democrats -- unless they win the presidency in 2008. Then they'll start saying every terrorist captured is a "victory for our side." Sheesh! Whatta buncha joiks! (Ann Coulter 9/12/07)
Franken Serious -- No One Else Is
Ahmadinijerk Thinks He's Winning
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Hope for Border Agents?
"Judge E. Grady Jolly, one of three judges from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said today that federal prosecutors (Johnny Sutton and his team) 'may have overreacted in their case against' Ramos and Compean. The agent's attorneys are asking the 5th Circuit to throw out the charges--especially in light of the recent arrest of Osvaldo Alrete-Davila, the drug smuggler whose testimony put the two border agents in prison! Referencing the harsh, decade long prison terms, Jolly questioned Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark Steimach saying, 'It does seem to me that the government overreacted here.' No word was given as to when a ruling might be handed down." [If any. -RT] (,)
Ignorance is doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results. Some say that's the description of insanity. The "Prickly City" comic strip is right more often on things political than some strips that lean toward political comment. This one is about as right as it gets. This is strange, because when this strip was drawn, Stantis (the artist) was being replaced while he was away by several other artists, some even liberal. (Prickly City, 11/15/07)
Another gem from Carl Spitzer: "A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a naval conference that included Admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies. At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large group of Officers that included personnel from most of those countries. Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, 'whereas Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English.' He then asked, 'Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?' Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied 'Maybe it's because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak German.' You could have heard a pin drop" (Just common sense)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Ten Years to Solve Global Warming
AlGore said that -- 15 years ago. In 1988, Ted Danson (you know, that well-known environmental expert) told us we had ten years to fix the oceans. In 1984, Michael Oppenheimer told "This Week With Brinkley" we had about 20 years to fix global warming or we all die. That has been 23 years ago, but none of these people have retracted their statements. They just repeat them. There is NO scientific evidence (except for "junk science") to support them, but they continue to bray. Apparently they're all students of Hitler's PR man, who said the way to make a lie into truth is to repeat it, over and over, to anyone who would listen. Soon, the lie would be "truth," and the "believers" would fight you if you tried to deny the lie. Now they're calling those who oppose them "global warming deniers," as if there's something wrong with that. One of the latest to repeat this lie is "The Inquirer" in The Phillipines. Funny -- I can find no mention of it on their web site. (The Inquirer,)
Non-Partisan? Gimme A Break!
The Pew Research Organization says they are "non-partisan. Yet they run ads regularly promoting the idea that the government is "kowtowing" to the car companies by not making a law to REQUIRE that they invent a car that gets 35 or more MPH by 2010, something that a majority of scientists say is impossible under current technology. They also say it could be done without a reduction in performance or an increase in cost. I've heard THAT before. Funny. I can't seem to find a single reference to this on their web site. Maybe you can. If you do, please let me know. (Pew Research, /07)
Bureaucrat's Revenge
When California passed Prop. 13, limiting the California politicians' ability to raise tax money, they promised to cut appropriations . . . for police and fire services, while continuing to support their favorite "pork" programs. When they passed the "Tabor Amendment" in Colorado, doing something similar, they actually created a verb: "To Tabor." Similarly, they promised to cut appropriations, for essential services, and they did. Meanwhile, they blamed every funding problem that came up on Tabor, creating a "straw man" they could blame for everything. Recently, they asked the voters to allow them to keep the money that hasn't been spent because of Tabor and they got it, increasing the fund they could spend by millions. Then in Denver, they passed 13 (count 'em, 13) new tax and spend measures giving Denver alone 5-1/2 BILLION dollars in new taxes. There are constantly new "Tax and spend" measures under "consideration" while the Denver Post buries them.
Some Comics Get it Right
"Prickly City" gets it right more often than most, and this particular day they get it righter than even most conservative sources when they describe Hillary as a U. S. Senator without much of a record who grasps at power by clinging to a man who turned their marriage into a national joke, and by being the "one woman who didn't fool around with Bill while he was president is now the Democrat's front-runner." When you think about it, the "35-year's-of-experience" she claims is while she was Bill's "caboose." when HE was "in office." The only "experience" I think she should get is being defeated in her next election. (Prickly City, 11/21/07)
Hell Must Have Frozen Over
That's what I thought would happen before Rep. John Murtha admitted we were "making military progress in Iraq. But it happened, and it got him in trouble. Now he's "clarifying" his earlier statement after a "trip to the woodshed" last week. There'll be no apology from him for making all those nasty remarks about American soldiers in Iraq. At least, I'm pretty sure, going by the actions of the many other Democrats who have been proven wrong. They don't apologize. They just "move on (that's where the name "" came from -- their tendency to just "move on" without apologizing.)" and hope you'll forget they ever said it. "How much coverage has his turnaround received? Zero. Nada. Zipadeedooda. Iraq has fallen of the radar of the media's attention. It was barely mentioned in the Republican debate the other night and Democrats have suddenly lost their voice when it comes to talking about the war. What will historians say about this remarkable, agonizing, maddening situation? The towering unfairness of it all will have to be corrected by those who study this period in American history and, when looking back over a hundred years time, marvel at the stupidity and deviousness of those who would rather lose a war and win an election than support the United States in its hour of need." (American Thinker, 11/30/07)
Saturday, December 1, 2007
"Peaceful Muslims" Want to Kill Teacher
Drug Eradication: Too Little, Too Late
"According to a recent report from the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime [certainly not a "right-wing extremist" organization. -RT], 19,047 hectares of poppies were eradicated in Afghanistan this year, 24 percent more than in 2006. Meanwhile, the number of opium-free provinces more than doubled, from six to 13. Those victories were somewhat overshadowed by the news that the total amount of land devoted to opium poppies in Afghanistan rose from 165,000 to 193,000 hectares, an increase of 17 percent. Due to “favorable weather conditions,” estimated opium production rose even more, hitting an all-time high of 8,200 metric tons, 34 percent more than the previous record, set last year." The number of people in the United States abusing drugs are about twice as many now as when the "drug war" began. Tell me again why we are "fighting a war on drugs." (Jacob Sullum/The Atlasphere, 11/26/07)