Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Where's the First Amendment?

A student has been suspended for speaking out AGAINST “Common Core,” that measure that basically “takes over” the education system by the federal government. A system that complicates things so much NOBODY, not even TEACHERS understand it; a system that is basically to BRAINWASH the students and make them less of a problem later when Obama manages to make this into a socialist country. The girl COULD “opt out” of taking the test, and said so. The school attempted to bully her into “shutting up,” and failed. So they suspended her for “insubordination,” which means she refused to be bullied (good for her!). There are way too many of these stories filtering out of the schools today, especially about Common Core, a system that should never have been concocted, much less forced on our children. Like “new math,” it just doesn’t work to do ANYTHING but condition our children to be good socialists. They had to BRIBE school systems to even accept it, which should have told them something, right there. Common Core violates THREE federal statutes AND the Tenth Amendment. (Eagle Rising)

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