Monday, May 26, 2014

Rush Is Really Mad

About the Marxist-inspired book, “Capital,” by Thomas Pickenny that advocates collectivist (communist, socialist) principles as the best way to go. And I don’t blame him (Rush). Freedom of speech allows people to write STUPID books, too. “In the book, Piketty argues that pervasive inequality is the natural end of capitalism, with the wealthy growing wealthier as the rate of return on their assets outpaces overall economic growth. With the rich getting richer to the detriment of everyone else, Piketty proposes (i) taxing incomes on the highest earners at 80% rate, and (ii) levying an annual progressive global wealth tax.” What he’s preaching is THEFT from those who earned it for the benefit of the “drones” of society and that’s the BASIS of collectivism under all its names. Unfortunately, there are many (too many) who will “buy” this crap; those who only want a “free ride” in this world, and who wish to live with someone else paying the bills. This kind of thing really makes Rush mad. Me, too. (The Blaze)

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