Sunday, May 18, 2014

They're "Moving In"

And we’re allowing it, every time we do ANYTHING to “appease” Muslims. Whenever we change a rule because it :”offends Muslims,” they see weakness and press even harder. They’ve “moving in” and breeding like minks. Soon they’ll outnumber real people and will be able ro outvote us on any subject. That is when that abomination called Sharia Law will take over and your life, as you know it, will END. You will be pressured to “convert” to that political system they PRETEND is a religion and if you refuse, you will be shunned, maybe even murdered. That’s how they’ve become the “fastest growing religion,” by terrorizing people into “converting.”  We need to shun THEM, and NOW, before they gain enough power to make their wishes our command. Anybody who votes a Muslim into elected office should be SHOT. (News With Attitude)

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