Sunday, May 18, 2014

Stop Muslim Immigration!

Why? There's ONE honest Muslim out there who explains that Muslims should NEVER "assimilate or integrate" into Western culture.The Koran expressly tells Muslims NOT to “befriend the Kuffar” (“filthy unbelievers.”) They’re taught to look down on us as corrupt (without understanding how abysmally corrupt THEY are). So why do they come here? The only reason I can see is to make trouble for us. Many Muslims might not be the radical kind who wish to kill us, but they are TAUGHT to make as much trouble for us as they can. It's in their "Bible," the Koran. Why would they WANT to come here to live? In a country whose ways are against everything they believe in? Their Imams tell us to “convert as many as they can to Islam, even if they don’t want to convert.” And how do they accomplish that without threatening us with DEATH if we don’t convert? This is what they do in other countries. Recently in Armenia, they MURDERED an entire family who would not convert. And another family took note of that and “willingly converted.” How “willing” is the conversion when it is done on the threat of DEATH? Their ways can only mean growing trouble for us as they gain power simply by BREEDING more and more Muslims and start running for office with many (mostly liberal) Americans being gullible enough to elect them. We need to stop allowing their immigration here as soon as possible and stop allowing them to run for office. that's not racism, it's COMMON SENSE. But that won’t happen, especially as long as their “secret friend,” Barack Obama is still president. (Bare Naked Islam)


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