Friday, May 16, 2014

Muslims Kidnap Young Girls

Muslim extremists kidnapped hundreds of girls from a school in Nigeria. 300 girls were kidnapped, but Nigerian “officials” claimed only 84. Why, I can’t fathom. Anybody with any kind of a conscience should be outraged by this, but some Nigerian officials don’t seem to be. This was only found out when the military governor braved danger to travel to the school to see for himself. Apparently, Nigeria is dangerous, even for government officials. They SAY all but 8 of the girls have been rescued, but there is no proof of this. And they retracted that claim the next day. The Islamic extremists use the girls as porters, cooks, and, of course, sex slaves. And WE’RE the ones they call “animals.” I guess it’s all in how you define what an “animal” is. I would call THEM animals, but I don’t want to insult animals. Nigerian government officials, like Obama, have CLAIMED to “have the terrorists on the run,” But, again like with Obama, the terrorists haven’t cooperated with that lie and have increased their abominations and atrocities measurably. OF COURSE, Obama’s thugs will deny this story because the source is Fox News. But the story also appeared in Reuters and CNN. (Fox News)

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