Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Problem Solved

The gun violence problem is solved. In one case, at least, The criminal with his illegally-owned gun tried to hold up a Florida family, but won’t do it any more. He’s dead. Looks like a man named Mitchell Large (an apt description) attempted to break int a house where EVERYBODY was armed. After warning shots were fired, he maintained his attempt to break in and was hit by bullets from at least TWO of those guns. He will break into no more homes. It was pretty stupid of him to ignore the warning shots, but nobody has ever said people like him are smart. More proof that an armed individual can do what the cops CAN’T do: prevent the crime, instead of just “documenting it” and cleaning up the scene after it has occurred. Crime has gone down in Florida, due to the fact that more Floridians are legally armed and kill off enough criminals to lower the violent crime rate more than anything else except future criminals deciding to go into other lines of “work.” And the anti-gun fools probably include this in their “victims of armed violence swindle.” (Eagle Rising)

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