Saturday, July 24, 2010

Palin--Once the Darling of Democrats

That was back when she was just a "backwater governor" and wasn’t a dire threat to their power. That was after she took the governorship away from a Republican, put many of the notorious “Corrupt Bastards Club (many of whom were Republicans)" in prison and the rest in the unemployment line. The Democrats “danced in the streets." Then she made Alaskans rich by making the oil companies share their profits with Alaskans instead of with the politicians. She told the pork demanders to go to hell, fired the state-paid-for cook, and her security (not mentioning that she was probably “packing heat” herself). She got rid of the governor’s limousine AND the state airplane, saying they were too extravagant.

She got the Alaskan Pipeline built, a project which was one of the biggest projects ever, and came up with a plan for Alaska to be 50% renewable energy by 2025, and they are halfway there now. She resigned as governor to save the state the cost of defending all the phony “ethics charges” liberals were filing against her, and to be able to make enough money to allow a run for president in her own right in 2012, without the limitations placed on her by the liberal-leaning John McCain, which was the reason they lost in 2008. Name me ONE other governor who has done so much. I dare you. Thanks to Barry Cooper for sending this. (The Pocomoke Public Eye)

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