Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"An Absolutely Illegal Execution"

Iran is about to murder an innocent woman who is ACCUSED of “adultery while married” after the death of her husband. They SAY she had a sexual relationship with TWO men. The story doesn’t say if it was or was not rape, just that it happened. There is NO “forensic evidence” of her “crime” She was convicted on a judges “evidence” that he thought it did happen. Nothing is said about any punishment for the men. Their names are not even mentioned. She has already spent FIVE YEARS in prison and been given 99 lashes in front of her children. The case was recently reopened and she was sentenced to “death by stoning” in addition to that. This is how women (only) are treated under “Sharia law.” Even under Sharia Law there must be “forensic evidence” to warrant a death sentence, But in this case alone, the judge’s “knowledge” of the “crime” was enough. “Double jeopardy? That doesn’t exist under Sharia Law. They can reopen ANY case, at any time, and add punishment that was not given in the original trial. Some people want to bring this abomination of law here. What do YOU say? (MSNBC)

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