Thursday, July 1, 2010

Capitalism Made Us Great

Does anybody wonder why in less than 300 years this country has outstripped civilizations that have been in existence for THOUSANDS of years? It’s CAPITALISM; that “terrible system” liberals hate so much. The system they’re continually trying to undermine and replace with collectivism (socialism, communism, fascism, progressivism, or whatever other name they come up with to confuse us), a failed system that DEPENDS on the profits made by capitalists to have any money and property out there to steal and “redistribute.” Russian communism, their first “showcase” in the recent world, collapsed under its own weight after 70 some years, while the communist dictator of the time told his friends not to worry, that the collapse of communism is “just a ploy” to fool those capitalist idiots.

Meanwhile, countries under capitalism flourished until the socialists in our own government succeeded in subverting it with the "Citizen's Reinvestment Act of 1976." Yes, Russia IS “no longer” a communist country, but it IS still a SOCIALIST country, ruled and run by the SAME PEOPLE, who just SAY they’re “not communists any more.” But the only difference between communism and socialism is “cosmetic.” They think we don’t know that; and, for the most part, they’re right. Those who “pay no attention to politics” don’t know that. Those of us who DO, know it. (John Stossel/Human Events)

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