Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Victory for Ignorance!

Barack Obama will be our next president. Mostly because most Americans don't know anything about him except for what he put out in his lying political ads. He is an "empty suit" being "run" by George Soros. They don't know he is a collectivist (socialist). Most have no idea what those words mean. If YOU don't know what that means, you'd better find out, quick. So now they should be ready for what comes. Rising taxes all over the map, including allowing Bush's tax cuts, which were responsible for the best economy in years until the Democrats got back in power in the Congress (he now says he'll leave them in place, but I'll only believe that if I see it). An economy that insisted on being solid in spite of everything Bill Clinton could do to stop it--until he signed the "Community Reinvestment Act of 1976," which FORCED lenders to make loans they KNEW could never be repaid, and which were bought by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac until just before the election when they "pulled the plug" on those two "safety valves." The swindle this represented worked like a charm, causing the economy to drop precipitously, just before the election with Democrats crying that it was "because of eight years of Bush's failed policies," when In reality it was caused by 50 YEARS of THEIR policies, made to swindle the American people out of not only billions of dollars, but the presidency as well. Islamic terrorists are "dancing in the streets" at Obama's election because they know it will mean they can now come here at will and kill "Infidels" in America. Something they haven't been able to do in America since 9/11. They decry "four more years of Bush." Yeah. Four more years of safety and lower taxes. I could do with a lot more than four more years of that. Bush was not perfect, but he was a hell of a lot better than what is coming through the ignorance of the American voter. (Just common sense)

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