Sunday, November 23, 2008

Common Sense Voting?

Frankly, I'm losing confidence in the intelligence and common sense of the American voter. They are the ones who elected Barack Obama, a white racist whose close friend BOMBED the Pentagon and the home of a judge who ruled against him and got off on a technicality, while his pastor of 20 years showed himself to be a racist who HATES whites; a known collectivist (socialist) who would usurp everybody's right to make their own decisions, and who would make it a CRIME to defend ourselves in our own homes; the ones who almost re-elected Senator Ted Stevens, the Alaska Senator who was CONVICTED of corruption and bribery; Who will probably re-elect William Jefferson, a congressman who was caught with $100,000 in MARKED money given him in a federal "sting" operation. These same people elected Jimmy Carter to become one of the WORST presidents in U. S, history. Who will they elect next? Bill Ayers? (L. A. Times)

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