Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Filibuater" Will Now Be Bad

Prediction: the filibuster, which Democrats hated with a passion when the Republicans used it, but who used it with abandon when THEY were out of power, will "redefine" it as a "bad thing." At least, until they become the minority party again. "For much of the Bush administration, out-of-power Democratic senators defended it as a hallowed tradition of American politics. But as the ruling majority, they will soon probably redefine the filibuster as a sort of nihilism practiced by bitter Republicans to obstruct the Obama agenda." Of course, when in power, Republicans themselves once deplored the filibuster as fossilized obstructionism (politicians tend to do that)." They will redefine many more things as they attempt to "cement" their hold on power for more than four years. If more and more people "wake up" to their scams and schemes, they may not LAST more than four years, this time. Unless they're successful in bringing back the "Fairness Doctrine" and shutting people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity up--which is their primary goal. (Investor's Business Daily)

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