Sunday, November 30, 2008

"Consumer Confidence"

What has that got to do with anything? The simple answer is, EVERYTHING! It is LACK of "consumer confidence" that CAUSES recessions and depressions. As I've said before, it's all in your mind. If consumers THINK that "cash is tight" and then hold onto THEIR cash, a recession, or in some cases, a DEPRESSION ensues. All it takes to "solve the problem" is to convince the consumer there IS no problem. Unfortunately, the Democrats (liberals/socialists) know that a good economy doesn't help them gain or retain power, or move us one inch closer to socialism, the philosophy that requires the THEFT from those able to EARN, to give that stolen to those who DON'T earn, but who have a vote. We've had a long-lasting good economy since Ronald Reagan lowered taxes and thus ENDED the recession the Democrats left him, while DOUBLING the "tax take" by giving INCENTIVE to those whose investments BUILD the economy. The most recent Democrat administration, (Clinton's) is STILL taking credit for it while doing everything it could to destroy it. They finally made it, working "behind the scenes" in a REPUBLICAN administration, and CREATED the "financial disaster" we're in now. It amazes me that the American voter is content to allow those who CREATED the "financial disaster" to supposedly END it; the very same people who were in that Clinton administration are even now being appointed to important positions in the Obama administration). Remember, these are the people who have been working diligently to CREATE a recession so they could use it to win the election. It worked. They will not "solve" the problem. They will only make it SEEM like they have, while "picking your pocket" anew with higher taxes they SAY are necessary to pay for the BILLIONS of dollars they have been "throwing at" various groups. It frustrates me to watch this happen while most Americans "ignore politics," and thus allow it. (Yahoo News/AP)

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