Sunday, November 30, 2008

Right Out Of "Atlas shrugged!"

The "Community Reinvestment Act of 1977," passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress and signed into law by a Democrat president (Jimmy Carter) and "strengthened" and heavily enforced by another Democrat President (Bill Clinton), protected by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank (both of whom profited handsomely from it), could have been part of Ayn Rand's masterwork, "Atlas Shrugged." It was just such a law and the pressure to loan money to "deadbeats" that caused "Midas Mulligan," her well-named banker, to zero out his accounts, convert his money into gold, and close his banks rather than make such loans, while financing John Galt's hideaway "Galt's Gulch," where the "producers" of society who join his "strike" could go to live until the predicted collapse of the socialist economy when they could return and rebuild on a better financial basis. I think we're near that point today. Unfortunately, there's no "Galt's Gulch" that I know of. "Atlas Shrugged" should be "required reading" for all economists, politicians, and bureaucrats. (Investor's Business Daily)

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