Sunday, November 30, 2008

Panic Over Obama

Hugh Hewitt says, "The panic that has hit the stock market for the last few weeks, and many economists I've spoken with on the radio program agree it is a panic, have a built-in sell-off as the realization of an Obama administration looms. Hyper partisans on the left are trying to shout down any cause and effect between the market's drop and the election of Barack Obama, but the numbers don't lie. Let's hope that people begin to realize that the wealth of this country is largely intact, and life can and must go on." The Democrats will never admit it, but the markets are down in ANTICIPATION of an Obama presidency. They didn't start in a downward direction even before the "panic" the Democrats created set in, until it became evident that our next president would be a radical socialist with a near-filibuster-proof Congress and could do pretty much anything he wanted.(Hugh Hewitt)

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