Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ready for Change?

Obama kept hollering "change," but wouldn't, or COULDN'T tell you what sort of "change" he had in mind. Mostly because he meant "change" toward socialism, which means more complete control over everything you hold dear, and most people don't like that. Soon he will control everything you do and what you may do with the money you earn--whatever amount of it he lets you keep, that is. He promised "no tax increases for 95% of Americans," but that was a lie that was not possible, since 30% of Americans do not even PAY taxes. Only 70% pay taxes. The other 30% are "net tax receivers," through various welfare programs. And you will see that number increase, as it did under every Democrat president in history. If you voted for Obama, I hope you're ready for what is coming. (Just common sense)

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